Metric concepts are widely known and discussed constantly with many methodologies that mention a "True North" metric.
However The North Star Metric (NSM) was first brought to discussion in early 2010s by
In a mentoring program or portfolio management you are always looking for better ways to track your startups and all the interactions that are happening.
Whether you meet with a mentor or a
From unattractive content to an active online community
Live streaming has become an important tool for innovation, it provides us with a window to show the word our products and services to a
In this article we want to cover meetings. As many innovation centers like incubators, venture capitals, and accelerators focus their services into providing advice to startups, all of this comes with the need
Accelerators face a series of challenges when identifying innovation projects.
They will invest their resources through mentoring, providing experience,
education and networking to allow projects in incubation to advance to the next